By focussing on the exploration and evaluation of market and business opportunities in the customized low-energy computing domain, small teams will work towards a sustainable start-up business scenario and necessary investment acquisitions. Every team consists of potential entrepreneurs taking up the following positions: a principal investigator being the chief technology officer, an entrepreneurial lead being the chief executive officer, and one or two business-oriented mentors well experienced in taking research-based technologies to the marketplace. These mentors will guide and track the TTX progress according to defined tasks and milestones.
The chosen projects:
Magnetic Information Platform
MIP is a vision of a magnetic data storage technology tailored for industrial applications and consumer products, to be used as a universal rewritable data carrier. This brings an advantage over competing technologies, such as barcodes, etc. Stored information in components can be updated during their life cycle. The information is not visible, and the medium has high temperature and chemical resistances. Hence, the stored data is inherently safe, reliable and suitable in many applications.
Remote rEsource Management hardware IP for disAggregated Platforms
This project presents the REMAP IP, a hardware manager for low-latency chip-to-chip interconnection, targeting low-energy disaggregated platforms and datacenters. REMAP enables on- demand system scaling; processing nodes can dynamically hot- plug remote resources (e.g. memory, accelerators), following application needs on performance and / or dataset sizes. The IP is already tested, has a very light resource / energy footprint, and thus easily fitting into small low-power MPSoCs.
Tool Failure ForecastiIN is an IoT integrated platform consisting of a NBIoT multimodal sensoring device for the characterization and position tracking of construction tools. By attaching a universal sensor to the outer casing of any construction tool, we can forecast failures, enforce preventive maintenance and prevent thefts. A SaaS model will be examined that provides progressive tariff billing, therefore incentivizing clients to gradually adopt our service and severely minimize their operational costs.
Unified Analytics & Optimization Tool
Based on IIoT Infrastructure and Big Data Analytics technology our portable software solutions enable for highly sensitive process monitoring and optimization of industrial automated (e. g. manufacturing) processes. The implemented tools are based on generic algorithms for data driven modelling and additional process specific services and use information extracted from existing control and process layer data.
TETRAMAX is a Horizon 2020 innovation action within the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. As a Digital Innovation Hub, TETRAMAX aims to bring added value to European industry, helping to gain competitive advantage through faster digitization. The project partially builds on experiences with the TETRACOM project during 2013-2016. TETRAMAX was launched in Sep 2017 and runs until Dec 2021.